Friday, April 22, 2011

print no more

i printed my last piece for my show yesterday morning!!!!!  still plenty to do, but the work is finished.  i've been floating on a cloud of bliss for the past 24 hours, but now i'm back to my studio trying to assess and develop a game plan for the final week.  the forecast for next thursday (the day i move my work over to the gallery) shows rain, and i'm trying not to hyperventilate...trying hard.

andrea and amelia

two of my closest friends from my cohort had their mfa shows last weekend, and the only word to describe both shows is EXQUISITE.  i am so intensely proud of them and was totally overcome with emotion at their opening!  here are some shots of their shows:

"exchanges and returns," new work by andrea g. miller


"capsized," new work by amelia toelke:

amelia on the right, with her also super-talented sister, arielle toelke

my thoughts exactly!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

three weeks

Friday, April 1, 2011


my first attempt at basic electrical work = booyah

all it took was multiple consults with friends, a prolonged advice session with a patient hardware store employee, a skype session with my dad, and much hand wringing worrying about being electrocuted, but it works!